Portfolio of Annouk Berg

This was a fun group project I led as part of a University course. We were tasked to develop innovative strategies to strengthen the market position of one product in the food & beverage industry. The chosen product had to be bottled water. For the purpose of this task, we chose the 330ml spring bottled water made of 100% recycled plastic from Mount Franklin.

First, every student developed an individual report analysing the company, its competitors, customers, and current advertising efforts followed by some ideas for improvement. Based on our findings, it was evident that our chosen product struggled to attract the company’s most viable target audience of young students.

Taking on the role as team leader, researcher, and designer, I conducted further research to get a better understanding of the problem space. This showed that corporate social sustainability, technology, and personal connection were driving factors of young students to choose a particular product or brand. Our chosen product failed on all aspects.

After a few brainstorming sessions as a group, we decided the bottle needed a revamp. Adhering to the company’s existing brand voice and colours, I designed a new product label that was modern, personal, and immediately conveyed the sustainable packaging to create an instant connection with their most viable target audience.

portfolio of annouk berg